Flipping second hand items

If you have an eye for a bargain then use that skill to make some money on the side. Even if you don't, you could use the eBay mobile app to find out what particular item's price is trending...

Sell Photos

Handy with a camera? Then you can take photos to sell for stock photography. Think holidays, everyday items and unique events. Here is a selections of companies to get you started: ...

Proof Reader

If you're really good at spotting spelling mistakes or grammatical errors, then why not consider proof reading articles for others? Here are some places to get you started: ...

Car boot Sale

You could bag yourself a bargain at the car boot sales. If you know a thing or two about china plates, tools or anything vintage, then you could bag yourself a bargain. Even if you don't,...

Grow plants

Do you have a green thumb, and some space to grow plants? Then you could grow plants for sale. Think vegetables; Tomato, Bean or more adventurous; Alvera or Venus flytrap. You could sell them on...

Baby Sitter

Everybody needs some time off, especially parents. Offer your services to Family and Friends first to build up confidence and referrals.